Production Poster

Hello and welcome to my blog post, today I will be showing you a poster I made for the up coming theatre play. We were given a very important task to make a poster for the upcoming play and the teacher will pick a poster to be sent out to the parents giving them all the information they have to know about the play.  We also have to make tickets for the parents but that’s for another blog.

Have you ever made a poster about a production?

Porridge by viliqoro

One thought on “Production Poster

  1. Hi Vilimaina,
    Great Blog post! I love the poster It’s full of colours and it has a lot of information like the date, time and where it’s going to be. I like the way you set it all out, It’s clear and easy to read. In my opinion you don’t need to change anything it looks great.
    I am making a poster about the production porridge and we are making tickets too.
    What did you like about this create task?
    – Tianah 😆